
Perodua Eco-Challenge 2009

Automatic Tracnsmission (A/T)
Winner: USM- fuel consumption of 23.5km/liter
1st Runner Up: UNITEN -20km/liter
2nd Runner Up: UiTM - 19.7KM/liter.

Manual Transmission(M/T)
Winner: Polytechnic Ungku Omar - fuel consumption of 25km/liter
1st Runner Up: UMP - 23km/liter
2nd Runner Up: UNISEL -22KM/liter.

Engineering Design and Presentation
Winner: USM
2nd: UiTM
3rd: UNITEN.

Congratulations also to the Perodua RnD team for reaching thier 33lap (31km/l) in their Test Experiment (TEX09) we wish all the best for your development in the future.

ONCE again, big congrats to USM Team!!

Starting Grid

USM MyVi on The Run

Candid Bersama Fahmi & Ali Jamaluddin

Oh yeah!! This is it!

Creadit to miss Farhana n Miss Joanna for joining me.
After the race, maiden USJ is waiting for us. cheerss~


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